Saturday, January 30, 2010

Vow of Silence, Day 7

So now it came and went. Day 7 of my vow. The final day. All that's left is to go to sleep, wake up, and wait until 2 pm and I can use my voice again.

My day went relatively well. I set my alarm last night so that I would wake up at 9 30 this morning and have enough time to eat 2 breakfasts to make the fasting easier. To admit, I was quite scared that I was going to wake up at noon and either live with not eating all day, or just bail on the fasting idea. I probably would've done the second one, but just eaten vegetables instead of meats. Anyway, I woke up EARLY this morning. Like, and hour earlier than my alarm was set for. Becky (stepmom) made me us a wonderful breakfast that I believe was called "eggs in a basket". It consisted of (obviously) scrambled eggs, bits of ham, mushrooms, and some onions. It was most delicious! For second breakfast, I only had some soybeans and an apple. That was enough to eat, considering I felt sick after I ate them, so I took an hour nap to settle my stomach and it worked. After my nap, I popped online for a bit and then went for some meditation. LET ME TELL YOU HOW AWESOME THIS MEDITATION WAS!

During my meditation, I started by counting my breaths. I counted them up to one-hundred and then began some critical thinking. I counted to one-hundred again and then had an AMAZING experience! I started having a third person realization and was able to connect to anything non-spiritual. Can you guess who I attempted contact with? Buddha. I got in contact with SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA HIMSELF! He said nothing to me, I merely spilled to him what I want to accomplish, he put his hands on my shoulders, and kissed my forehead. (Strange I know, but I wasn't gonna call him on it or anything, HE'S BUDDHA!) After I bowed to him, I counted again. This time going to two-hundred. During my count, I could see a large circle of monks around me, all meditating in "Om". This created a wonderful experience! After I reached two-hundred, I sat quietly and patiently for the Holosync to end. When I came out of the meditation, I laid down, and had very blissful tears come out of my eyes. I felt so compassionate, calm, and free. All I could do was think of the fact that I was able to see Shakyamuni Buddha in my meditation. Well, I think that is about enough of the meditation experience. Haha. I could dwell on it for days. Years even.

Okay, onto the subject of work.
Work was SLAMMED. All day. Non-stop. I had to speak a couple times, but it was ABSOLUTELY necessary, so I still feel that I was doing so under my original pretenses.
I was the late person tonight, which was nice, because the money would come in handy. Fasting at work was very difficult, because I all I could see, smell, and touch, was pizza. One of my favorite foods. I even brought some home with me so I can eat it tomorrow! Haha! I have found that fasting does cause my acid-reflux to kick in. It kinda burns, as you might already know.

Though this is the blog for Day 7, it will not be the last blog chronicling the vow. There will be one more tomorrow to recap the entire week.

Well, I have reading to do so I can hit my book goal as well. Thank you for reading and I hope your eyes will be on this page tomorrow as well.


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