Friday, January 29, 2010

Vow of Silence, Day 6

Ah, here it is. That all too familiar time when I post my daily blog.
Well readers, I haven't had too pleasant of a day. Work was filled with so much negativity, some things were going wrong, and people were getting frustrated, so a sense of frustration kinda filled the air. I took the frustration kinda hard, probably harder than I really should have, but it's difficult to not get super frustrated when you're frustrated and can't speak the words you know can fix the problem. Straight up, work sucked for me, so I don't really feel like discussing the subject any further, for dwelling only makes things worse.

Meditation today was particularly strange. I started the meditation doing the counting exercise and pushed myself all the way to 200. With the Holosync on, that is very difficult. After swimming in some realizations for a while, I went back to my count. This time, though, I had a determination to hold a STRONG concentration. I stared at one spot on the Buddha statue in front of me, did not blink, and counted about 100 breaths before actually blinking. I started the staring concentration after already counting 100, so I blinked on 200, and then proceeded to count to 300. Once the Holosync finally ended, I was so near straight exhaustion. Once the meditation ended, I laid down on my floor for a few minutes and just looked at the ceiling. It was one of the few times that my floor was actually comfortable.

So, tomorrow is the day that I fast for Gandhi. I will be taking a couple snack bars to work with me, just in case I can not continue with the fasting while there. (I.E. If I feel like I'm going to pass out, you can bet I'm putting food in my stomach.) I am doing the fast out of respect for Gandhi, but I know that if it begins to hurt me, that is not the way someone such as Gandhi would like me to be. So that being said, everyone, I am calling it a night. I will post another blog tomorrow describing how the fast went.

Thank you for reading.


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