Sunday, January 24, 2010

Vow of Silence, Day 1 (Part 2)

Well, so far, the first day has been pretty good. As I had already predicted and prepared for, I did have to speak at work, but my speech was very minimal. I only spoke when ABSOLUTELY necessary. Even after only being silent for not even a full day, I have observed SO much! I got the chance to observe most of my thought processes, which are very fluid with what happens around me, but without speaking, I have more control over myself. People tend to treat you a little nicer when you are not speaking, however I did get picked on a little at work which was very much expected. I am not entirely looking forward to working with my general manager tomorrow, because I am afraid she may not understand my vow as easily as LB did. However, I am only scheduled for 1 hour 45 minutes tomorrow, so no speaking should be relatively easy, though I will most likely be on register, so I will be forced to speak to customers.
Back to my observations.
I also observed that without speaking, I am able to focus more. This would come from the theory of losing one sense makes your other senses heighten. I have been able to sense more movement, I have been able to hear things more clearly and really take them in, since I do not have to formulate a reply. I can better observe the textures of things, since I am not really thinking of how to describe them. All in all I can say that the vow has made me more aware of everything. I do feel a little more secluded, because I am not making my voice known with anything, but I am also learning how to make my energies project what I am thinking. Example, when I came home, my cat was sitting outside my front door to be let in the house. He usually scares a little when I come up the stairs, so I call his name, but this time I couldn't call his name, so I was more gentle when walking up and reaching my hand to him to pet him and he didn't cower away. Listening to music is a little strange, for I am so used to singing along with my favorites, but it's okay. I think I am managing quite well without singing. Haha. I also observed how people I work with speak to each other. There is a lot of negativity in the voices of all of them. Even though I understand why they are being negative, I do not believe it is necessary for them to condone so much negativity. I can honestly say that after this vow is done, my attitude at work will be changed. Everyone will be talked to with a more polite tone from myself and I will most certainly not partake in idle gossip.
Life at home is currently a little awkward because I am not sure if they know of my vow yet, so we've only had these awkward moments every time I see them, but hopefully they will learn of the vow from Facebook or on here since I can't tell them myself. Haha.
When all is said and done, I would have to say day one has gone over pretty smoothly. I will continue to update this at least daily until the vow is terminated.

Thank you for reading.


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