Sunday, January 24, 2010

Vow of Silence, Day 1 (Part 1)

So, this is where I will explain my current standing with the vow of silence. I am currently on this vow of silence because I have found that no matter what I say to one person, I can not make them happy and I would like to see if my lack of speech will make anything better for everyone. I am not ONLY doing this because of the one incident, but that one incident made the vow happen sooner than expected. With this VoS, I will be more able to observe my surroundings. If I see you in person and you ask me a question, I will answer, but only with a nod or a shake of my head. The terms of my Vow are:

1) No talking, unless I am at work on the phone (because I HAVE to talk in order to keep my job), or if I am at work and am asked a question that can ONLY be answered by me that is work related. If I am called from Papa John's number, I will answer the phone. (Please don't call unless you need for me to come into work, because I am quite serious about this vow.)

2) There are a select few people who will be able to speak to me, but it will be via text only and not even family will hear me speak. (Sorry, I love you, but this is very important to me.)

3) I will not disclose who the "select few" are, but they will know, because they will receive texts back from me.

4) For those who I will text to, I will not engage the messages, you must do so.

5) For anyone who does not get messages back from me, I apologize profusely and it is nothing against you, I am just very serious about this. If you do text me and you are not one of the select few, you will receive a message that contains the address to this page.

I will keep posting on here with my goings on and observations.

(The bow that goes with the Namaste)
Branden, Pigeon, Hupman, Hupmung, or whatever other nicknames you know me by that I have collected over the years.

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