Monday, January 25, 2010

Vow of Silence, Day 2

Today went over very well! My manager understood my position on not talking, so when I wasn't working the register or answering phones, I did not have to speak. She even said "Give me a shake if that remade pizza is in the oven!" That made me smile for a good ten minutes. I am very glad that everyone is respecting my decision. It would be nice to get the full-fledged experience by not uttering one sound for the entire week, but if you add up the time per day that I am using my voice, it would equal out to MAYBE 15 minutes. And that's ONLY when I work. When I am at home or anywhere else, my trap is shut. So obviously the observations continue on.
I have noticed that I am not the only one learning from this vow! People around me who are taking note of this (mostly the people who see me everyday) are actually seeing how much a difference it is for one person to not speak. I have also been getting a lot of respect for sticking with the vow and to those of you who have sent me messages speaking positively of my choice, thank you very much. It really means a lot to me to receive those messages. My father also asked me some questions today that I didn't realize should probably be addressed on here. Here we go!

Do I go anywhere since I do not speak? Yes. I went to the gas station and the grocery store tonight to pick up some highlighters for the book I am reading and some yummy Valentines candy.

How do I pay for things? I generally try to use self checkouts or pay for gas at the pump.

Do I get any funny looks from people? Not really. The situation has not yet arisen that I would have to tell someone I do not know that I am on a vow of silence.

How would I tell them? I would signal to them by holding up a peace sign (V), make an O and then a W with my fingers, then press my index finger to my lip. Vow of Silence. Get it? Haha.

Am I going to take any other vows? (Like celibacy, fasting, and the like) No, I do not plan on it. My only vows of celibacy and fasting are on Buddhist holy days.

Is working more difficult since I can not openly communicate with my coworkers? A little, but I can get my points across to them. One clap means no, two claps means yes, three claps means unsure, and LB jokingly said four claps means mung. I started clapping in periods of four and LB said, "He must be hungry." For those of you who don't know what mung is, don't ask. You may vomit.

Okay. On to other subjects. Meditation today was quite interesting. I got pretty deep into the meditation and was able to visit my tree in the grove again! (If you read the first couple Buddhist Blogs on my Facebook, you know the grove I am referencing.) However, I was only able to visit for a short period. I also had a great experience when I was meditating. I was aware and unified with everything. I could feel my energies surging from my body and encompassing everything. I could feel the futon's legs on the floor, I could feel the house sitting on the ground, I could feel the world floating in space encircling the sun, I could feel the universe exist. After I came back to myself after the visualization, I began having a hard time focusing again, so the rest of my meditation was spent trying to refocus my mind. Something also happened that I have noticed happens quite frequently. While I was meditating, I became so calm that I felt as though I was not breathing! I was reading the Buddhism for Dummies book that I bought to get a better understanding of my religion and was shocked to read this, "Some meditators become so calm and focused that their breathing seems to stop altogether." Upon reading this, you can bet that I felt relieved considering that I was a little worried that I actually was not breathing, but the reading had assured me that this was a normal (even an exceptional) part of intense Buddhist meditation. Upon waking from the meditation, I felt great as I normally do and went on about my day as usual. Well, as usual as one can be without speaking to anyone. Haha.

Well I believe I am done discussing the day and I think it is time for me to go read more of my book. Thank you for reading.


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